Thursday, September 13, 2007

Week 10 Report & Pictures

Last week, our September break, didn't prove as restful or as productive as I had hoped! Still, onward!

Here is a page of MY schoolwork for the week! I started Latin Made Simple, making notes and doing the exercises. My goal is one handwritten page a day, which is is far less than a page of the book a day! This is my Martis dies (Tuesday) page.
We are studying flowers this week in God's Design Science Plants. Here is Momo's labelled diagram:

The kids made flowers from the pattern in GDS Plants. The sepals, leaves and petals are paper, the stem (and root) is a straw, the pistel and stamens are pipe cleaners, and the pollen is cornmeal. Behind the flowers are a bit of our Eygptian burial chamber, the My Book House series, and on the wall some elements of design from TOG that we worked on last quarter.

I found a Kumon workbook three pack at Costco with Numbers 1-30, Uppercase Letters, and Cutting. Zamakee already completed that last book and is working on Pasting, but I'll save Cutting for Beanie. This is from Numbers 1-30...I said each number in Latin and then Zamakee drew the connecting line. He does shout "Decem!" at the end every time.

Ginger & Momo started a once a month homeschool art class. Their first assignment was to make an oil pastel drawing showing "things that needed each other." Momo drew a mother bird & her babies and Ginger drew an elf & dragon (friendship).

***EDITED TO ADD*** A page from Tullius' Lively Latin! The dominus is Dr. Sloth and the servus is a pink meepit from his army...apparently, he's learning Latin Neopets-style!

For Tapestry of Grace we have been in the Indus Valley -- I hope to have some project pictures of that soon.

The winner of the week was writing! Instead of doing the TOG assignments, I had the kids re-write fables a la the progymnasmata. They are turning out SO cute. Of course, you probably have to be a Neopets fan to appreciate them fully, but I'll be posting them as they finish typing them up. We're going to re-write fables for three weeks, study/write poetry for three weeks and then all assigned writing (and grammar) will cease & desist for November while we participate in NaNoWriMo! See the left sidebar icon for a link!


Anonymous said...

Wow, What a really enjoyable post! The artwork your children did was just beautiful. Your learning latin? I have so many things I want to learn, I need to quit being so ADD and pick just one!

Angela in TN (From WTM boards)

Jennefer said...

Oh wow! Your weekly report looks truly wonderful. I am so motivated to keep on keepin' on. Way to go Lee! I am so impressed with your Latin and those drawings...***amazing*** It looks like your babies have some of their mamma's wonderful artistic talent. I am so jealous!!!!


Tina in WA said...

What a fun week! I love those flowers. They can brigthen up an day!


Tina who noticed even your penmanship is lovely!

Darcy @ m3b said...

You have lovely writing. I suppose I should be surprised you are an "art-eest". ;)

Thanks for sharing the kids' work. I'm loving the weekly reports!

Lisa~ said...

Lee... what great week! Looks like that planning went fine. *Ü*

I see your kids have an artistic talent like momma! Apples don’t fall far from trees! *Ü*


Tami, full-time mom; part-time foodie said...

I loved the kids' artwork and flowers! They are very talented, just like their 'pack leader.' The Latin looks very, well, 'lively.' How do you do it all? I am soooo impressed.

: )

Kerri said...

What great art work from everyone!
Your week looks wonderful. Can't wait to see the projects for the Indus Valley.


Michelle said...

Your kids are very creative! I love the flowers and the artwork!

And I too noticed your pretty handwriting! I am impressed at all you are doing and still making time for some learning yourself. I need to follow your example with that!

Michelle (MomToLGD on WTM boards)

Latin Motto

Non scholae sed vitae discimus ~ Seneca. We learn not for school, but for life.