Here are some of the Latin materials we own...the binder is Lively Latin, which is currently a pdf download. The Help Your Child with a Foreign Language is from the library. As a side note, the first chapter of this book reads like a how-to homeschool manual, giving all the reasons that parents can make good teachers for their own children.
1. Complete Lively Latin (in Lesson 4 & so far, so good)
2. Learn Numbers, Colors, Days, Months, Greetings, Commands, etc
3. Use Before You Know It Lite to review
4. Complete Minimus (start in January)
And specifically for the magistra (that would be me):
5. Begin Latin Made Simple
6. Create a compilation for #2 that could be shared with other homeschoolers
That is the current plan. Lingua Anglica will be saved for next year when we are studying the Middle Ages. Latin Primer (as well as Latina Christiana I & Latin for Children A, which I also own) will be resources for seeing just what is taught in beginning Latin programs.
I'm excited about all this -- I'm a student, too!
Oh, I must give credit to My Two Blessings for reminding me about Before You Know It!
Nurse Camille and I can't remember what you said about hurricane Danny...bedtime is in T-minus 20, 19, 18 minutes. Lol!
Looking at what you have, I'm excited to learn Latin too! But I'm not...yet. My befuddled, medicine head couldn't even clearly tell you what a declension (sp?) is! Never mind a nominative.
So, be honest. Do you like the new header? I wanted something red, blue and yellow but couldn't get it in my head so I went with something safe. It's just for fun really.
Ohhhh, I can't wait to hear how it goes! I want lots of details about Minimus. I've been thinking about that one for someday.
PS I'm glad your kids have never attempted toilet diving too. ;)
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