Thursday, August 9, 2007

7th Grade Schedule

Ginger is 12 and in 7th grade -- she'd rather be out-of-doors and doing one of the following: drawing, reading or running! I'll have to share more about her another day. Now I must put some thought into next week's assignement sheets. Oh, and her hair doesn't look quite like this anymore. It's chin length, she donated the rest to Locks of Love in June!


Margie said...

I love the schedules. Did you do them in Google spreadsheet?

Tonia said...

Your schedules look great! How did you make them - excel?

my5wolfcubs said...

I made the schedules using a table in Word...but decided they looked nicer than they functioned! I'm still searching for just the right format!

Latin Motto

Non scholae sed vitae discimus ~ Seneca. We learn not for school, but for life.