Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Project 2008 January: The Sewing Room

This was my Project 2008 Room. The "Sewing Room" that has never been sewn it. YET. We've lived in this house for about 4 1/2 years. The room has been mainly a dumping ground, but Beanie slept here in a crib until he was 2. Now he sleeps in the crib in the "Boys' Room."

This room is about 10' x 7' if you include the closet. The previous owners used it as an office.

Yes, this is what is looks like AFTER I cleaned it. This is standing in the doorway looking into the closet (huge, doorless). The shelf is all boxes of STUFF I want to keep. Some worth keeping, most not...but I can't decide which is which. Hanging on hangers are large pieces of fabric. Waiting to be sewn into something. On the floor are several large, plastic storage bins of sewing stuff -- miscellaneous fabric, thread, stuffing, half-made fabric dolls and the like.

This is standing in the doorway looking to the left. Ah, ha! One of the closet doors. And lots more stuff -- mostly papers, folders, files, notebooks, school-type stuff that should probably be tossed. And a box or two of miscellaneous stuff. And several empty plastic bins. I really DID clean in this room.

This is standing at the far end of the room looking toward the doorway. Behind the door is the bookcase of homeschool books that I want to keep but am not currently using this year. Oh, and a porta-crib.

And that hanging on the wall is a life-sized Emperor penguin painted on posterboard. There are several species of penguins on the wall and some hiding behind the boxes of sewing stuff. I really do have a hard time throwing things away...

February's project will be the master bedroom! And I know you want to see pictures of that.


Tina in WA said...

I think it looks lovely! :o) Great job.

I will not show anyone a picture of my dumping ground room... I avoid it at all costs. LOL

Well done.


Hen Jen said...

good for you! I still haven't finished my first project, ugh, I am always behind!

Lisa~ said...

Lee! HOw fun to see you in on the projects! I just posted mine too...


PS. I am keeping track of milage.... we shall see what the end of the month results are....*Ü*

Skeller said...

hehe. How sad is it that it's my "schoolroom" that is the dumping ground?!?

Maria said...

LOVE the photos...don't laugh, but you're really organized and I"m jealous! I enjoyed perusing your schedules too, very helpful!

And I love that latin motto. HOw true, how true! Glad to have discovered your blog!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lee!
I made it over to peek at your blog. Very nice!! I really like your project of the month focus. What a great idea! I see that you've posted your school plans too. Wow! You're very organized Lee. All the best!
Stacy :-)

Jennefer said...

Oh yea! I love organizing. It just gets my blood pumping. Lol. Your room looks great. Now if I can just get my home office in shape.


Latin Motto

Non scholae sed vitae discimus ~ Seneca. We learn not for school, but for life.