Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Daily Schedule 2008-9, First Idealist attempt!

Click on the pictures to see them clearly.

This is my plan...the first of many idealistic attempts at corralling the students into a structured learning routine.

My new & improved scheduling idea for the coming year involves actual time slots (something I've tried to avoid in the past).  Although I wish it was more, each child will get 2 individual half hours slots with me in the following order:

3rd grader
3 yo
6th grader
8th grader

Then we'll all break for a snack.  This will be repeated, then we'll break for lunch.  The idea is that each child will work on their independent stuff until finished or they reach a point of not understanding/frustration.  Then that work will be set aside and the next subject picked up. When they meet with me, I will help them through the trouble spot and give assignments as necessary.  

After lunch will be two group times -- one for the K & 3rd grader for history & literature reading.  And one will be for the 6th & 8th grader for a discussion of their literature reading. 

I think this will accomplish several positive things in our homeschool:  

1.  allow independence without frustration (or simply lack of working because "I didn't know how to do it")
2.  insure dedicated time with mom (something the easy-going students get short changed on)
3.  create time off at the end of the week/month because of finishing early!

What this schedule doesn't account for is what exactly the 3yo & K'er are going to be doing for those blank hours each day!  

I do plan to do a test run in June, which will help work out some kinks and bring realism, I'm sure!


Angela said...

May I please transfer this to my page and pretend that I did this. I am trying to do this for next year, so you may see something pop up on my blog that looks similar. I want structure so bad with homeschool, but then I want freedom in my own life. Aughhhh!

my5wolfcubs said...

Copy away -- I'm sure I'll get some great ideas from your version!! This easy summer living is making me dread structure, I'm loving my lazy days of freedom! However, I also want my children to get a great education and that is going to take a lot of effort to get accomplished...I let you know how our attempt at doing this goes!

Michelle Waters said...

Thanks for posting this. I love seeing other people's schedule. Hope your test run goes well!

Urban Mom said...

As a newbie at the hs thing, I'm always grateful to see what others are doing. Can you point me in the right direction for using the graphic that you did? How did you put it together?
Thanks again!

Karen said...

Wow - Just wow. Your schedule looks great. I'm going to take some notes. I really like the afternoon slot where you send everyone outside. I need a space like that in my schedule.

Kim A. said...

I love your schedule. I just clicked over here from TWTM board. I think I will study your schedule a bit, since my kids are similar ages. I've been thinking of a time slot schedule as well but I need to work on curriculum.

Hen Jen said...

I am very interested on seeing how this plays out for you...please post often on this as you live it out, always-always looking for better ways to do things...

have to tell you I love your new design..I guess it has been a while since I've visited, I'm going to go add you to my bloglines list so I don't forget to stop by again...

Bootcamp Burners said...

Oh I like this. I was looking for something like this also. I need something so the girls can move on to the next thing without me saying to do it. Thanks, I am going to somewhat copy this and make my own in excel. Thanks again for posting this!

Latin Motto

Non scholae sed vitae discimus ~ Seneca. We learn not for school, but for life.