Tuesday, August 7, 2007

2nd Grade Schedule

Since all the children are outside planting their bean seedlings that we sprouted for God's Design Science Plants, I decide to post Tullius's weekly assignment sheet.

Tullius is 7 and in 2nd grade this year. He taught himself to read right after he turned four. I had planned to wait until he was 6 to even start teaching him reading. I'd read enough about boys taking longer to mature, etc then girls. And since I had 2 girls, I didn't want to spend year comparing and frustrating him. However, dh...hmm, he need's an online name too. My 7 yo ds referenced in this post isn't really named Tullius...he chose it for Latin class. His former online name was Moogle (Final Fantasy, anyone?) which I never really liked, so this is better. He doesn't have a nickname at home at all, neither does Zamakee...unlike Ginger, Momo & Beanie!

Anyway, dh played an online computer game called Dark Age of Camelot. Tullius would watch him and ask constantly what was being said, what the text scrolling by said, what the numbers were... And he learned to read. By the time he was four, dh had gone to a new game, Horizons. I made a character and then a few weeks later we let all the kids make characters. His reading just took off AND he could spell too -- well enough to communicate in an online game anyway! We're still an online game playing family but this "reading method" hasn't worked for Zamakee...but that is another post.
Tullius has always been a tagalong schooler -- just doing what his older sisters do...

Here is his eLouai.com Christmas picture! He was still 6 years old.


Lisa~ said...

Hi! Love your schedules! Love your motto! Cant wait to read more!

Blessings, Lisawa

Riverfront Headmistress said...

I really like this! I have a similar weekly check-off list but I think I need to tweak it a bit. You've inspired me to work on it a bit more.

Latin Motto

Non scholae sed vitae discimus ~ Seneca. We learn not for school, but for life.